Financial parameters of the product
Logistics Parameters
Demand parameters
* Srecify main customer demand (check) values along with the coresponding probabilities or specify middle check value wuth 100% probability
Demand density. Check density.
Compare with the alternative parameters:
Time | Type | Order price | Deferred delivery | Selling price | Deferral for customer | Ord. coef | Discount coef. | Term replenishment | Demand rate | Checks | Alt. Reorder point | Alt. Reorder quantity | Reorder point | Reorder quantity | Interval (days) | Service | <Order>, days | <Order>, $ | Total costs | Deficit costs | Storage costs | Replenishment costs | Profit | Deficit | <Stock>, pcs | Max, pcs | Alt. Reorder point | Alt. Reorder quantity | Alt. Interval | Alt. Service | Alt. <Order>, days | Alt. <Order>, $ | Alt. Total costs | Alt. Deficit costs | Alt. Storage costs | Alt. Replenishment costs | Alt. Profit | Alt. Deficit | Alt. <stock>, pcs | Alt. Max, pcs |