№ |
Name |
Calculation |
Source file |
Start of calculation |
End of calculation |
Summary information of payroll results(actual and optimazed KPI) |
Size |
Date |
Lines |
Errors |
Stock quantity (pcs) |
Stock value ($) |
Inventory (days) |
Goods-in-transit quantity (pcs) |
Goods-in-transit amount ($) |
Demand (pcs) |
Demand ($) |
Items quantity demand (items) |
Planned in-stock amount, ($) |
Normative planned inventory (days) |
Service level planned (%) |
Service level actual (%) |
Sales planned ($/month) |
Total demand planned ($/month) |
Planned number of replenishment acts (items/month) |
Item |
Reorder point (ROP) |
Reorder quantity (ROQ) |
Interval (days) |
Service level (%) |
<Inventory> (days) |
Total costs ($/day) |
Stock-out costs ($/day) |
Storage costs ($/days) |
Replenishment cost ($/day) |
Profit ($/day) |
Stock-out quantity (pcs/day) |
Maximum (pcs) |
Demand (pcs) |
Demand ($) |
Current stock quantity (pcs) |
Goods-in-transit quantity (pcs) |
Avarage daily sales (pcs/day) |